Heavy Duty Lubricants
Performance Claims
ACEA E4, E6, E7, E8, E9, E11 ○ API CK-4
Meets or exceeds:
Cat ECF-3
Cummins CES 20086
DAF Extended Drain
Detroit Diesel 93K222
DTFR 15C100
DTFR 15C110 (228.51) / 15C120 (228.52)
Deutz DQC IV-18 LA
Mack EOS 4.5
MTU Type 3.1
MB 228.51 / 228.52 / 228.31
MAN M 3677 / M 3691 / M 3777
Renault VI RLD-3
Scania LDF-4
Volvo VDS-4.5
Available in :

EERSTA DYNA ENDURO LS PRO 5W-30 is a top 5W-30 quality fuel economy diesel engine oil based on the latest additive technology combined with special synthetic base oils meeting the following properties:
- very powerful detergency prevents deposits in the engine
- effective dispersion, restricting the deposits and sludge
to a minimum - proactive against corrosion and foam
- high and stable viscosity index
- low sulphated ash
- prolonged oil drain intervals
- lowers fuel consumption
This fuel saving lubricant has mainly been developed for heavy-duty diesel engines even under the toughest operating conditions all year round. This product is very suitable for Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines in combination with diesel fuel with a low sulphur content. This engine oil is also suitable for application in engines with or without particle filters and exhaust catalysts. This “low SAPS” lubricant can also be used in the Volvo 13L Euro 6 Step D engines for which an oil with VDS-5 specification is prescribed.